This is a true story. This is about how it ended between me and my ex Freddie and how everything went really wrong. I really liked him and even thinking about how it ended and what made it end makes me want to cry. We are now really good friends and I (still) really like him but maybe there is nothing left in his heart for me but the fact that I'm only thirteen makes all of this seem really stupid but I don't care really. Everyone always says you're too young to love but I think that love can come at any age. My parents met when they were six, first date & kiss at twelve, married at twenty three and first child at twenty three. So I say f*** off to people that say I'd be too young to love.
I have written another story that is already on here and it's called the hardest goodbye and I wrote it after Freddie and I ended so I think I used some things from our relationship, so if you've read it and see familiarities then that's why. This is going to be a hard thing for me to write but I want to share what happened to me with all of you and it's probably nothing compared to some other people but Freddie has really had a lasting effect on me. I'll try to spare no details.
Well I had always thought of Freddie as "buff" but it was only after a massive flirting session under some desks on the last day of term that I decided that I really did like Freddie. I spent the Christmas holidays talking to my friend Luis that liked my best friend Lucy so I tried to get Lucy to go out with Luis and Luis tried to get Freddie to go out with me but Luis didn't have his number. When we got back I was dead set on getting Freddie but there was one thing in the way. The new girl Lauren. I really don't want to get rude about her because she is one of my best friends now but I'm going to say how I felt at that time. I was so annoyed it was unbelievable. I had liked him for so long and she comes waltzing in and expects him well she's going to have some battle ahead of her. I flirted like nothing ever before just to show Lauren that I wasn't the type to give up easily. She backed down finally and I took my chance and I told him I liked him. I did actually text him because I was kind of scared. After school I turned on my phone and I had a text from him and it said "sorry I just want to be friends" I was a little hurt but I just though I'm going to keep going. So between the period of the time of that text and Valentines Day I had a crush on Luis and a guy called Myles. It was never really anything serious when it came to them, I was just looking for other options and after realising that I really liked Freddie I stuck with him.
It was coming up to Valentines Day and Freddie and I started getting really close. We made a date to go to the cinema when he got back from skiing. I was thrilled.
Then it came to Valentines Day. I'd decided to give Freddie a card and I made it the day before in the toilets with one of my best friends Misty and it was just a little card and all it said inside was "take a chance love Maddie" I remember thinking "wow I'm going to give it to him and it will all be fine." Well Freddie got the card and within about three seconds my entire year knew about it. I remember walking up to music and thinking "oh crap what have I done" all the boys were saying take a chance and I couldn't look Freddie in the eye. I was so embarrassed! Well I had lunch and at third break (we finish school at five pm) misty and I were inside and we walked past the classrooms and Freddie was getting changed and we saw him in his boxers. Oh my gosh! It was a sight to cherish.
So misty and I came up with a plan. We went over and told me that we saw him in his boxers and I flirted with him a lot. I walked back over to all my other friends with a huge smile on my face and then Misty ran over and screamed at me "you're going out with Freddie!" I was stunned. In French he sat on the desk behind me and was being so sweet. I was in a daze that whole week. On Friday Freddie sent me a text saying "well I'm going away tomorrow and I won't be back till Sunday urm I'll miss you and I don't know how to do those cross thingy's but I'll just say it. Kiss kiss." I just smiled and thought of how cute that made him seem. Not much happened the week he was away apart from when I went to Misty's house for a sleepover with Lindzey and I left him so many voicemails because we had just watched a film called crazy/beautiful and it made us all think of our boyfriends so we called them and texted them.
The next few weeks are a bit hazy but I remember the first time we hugged. We never kissed. I kind of regret that but we held hands and hugged. In a way I preferred that because I if we had gone out for longer we might've kissed but I liked the fact that we managed to survive one month (it seems a short time when you say it, but it felt like such a long time) and it took me about two and a half weeks to get him to say love you. Well things were going fine really, nothing really happened when we were actually going out. I got the call on Thursday March 15th 2007. Freddie never called me, so when I saw that it was him calling I knew something wasn't right.
"Well after I say this I'm probably going to be embarrassed so I'm just going to hang up. You're." I hung up before he could say dumped. I said to my best friend Lindzey "he did it" it was all I could say before I burst into tears. Sitting on the steps by the bus stop I cried and cried then everyone came around and comforted me. It was at that moment I was so glad that they were my friends; they tried to make me laugh and not cry. Well I found out the reason he dumped me was because people had been saying that I was two-timing him and going out with other guys. The main person was a girl called Georgie that I'd already had trouble with because she was flirting with him A LOT. She had told him that she saw me with Luis in Wimbledon "flirting". I got so annoyed with her. My first thought was" how dare she! She had absolutely no right to go and say that." I couldn't be bothered to shout at her really so I just talked to her and had a bit of a go at her. On the Saturday we had a huge drama rehearsal of our play so everybody had to go. That day I'd texted Freddie but I can't remember what it said. He sent me a text back saying something about me being really slutty and something else. I was really offended by the text and texted back saying "stop texting me please, I don't want to waste my credit on you anymore." I know that was harsh but that was what he made me feel like saying. Throughout the four hour rehearsal Freddie seemed quite depressed so when I got out of school I left him a message saying that I was really sorry and I wanted things to go back to normal. He texted back saying "yer I agree, we both said some stupid stuff. Let's just forget about it all. Friends? X x."
Lindzey says that I never should have forgiven him but I just wanted him so badly that I thought it was in my best interest to forget it all. But the topic kept coming up. There would be little things that would spark up the conversation again so we'd get into a fight again. There was one time where he said that he wanted to hit me. I can't remember why but I remember that said "look Freddie, I do still like you and stuff" that's all I can remember saying and then as I said that Lindzey burst in saying"oooh Freddie's getting thrills!" after that it all cooled down. We talked like we were best friends again and we flirted just as much. I guess now everything is cool between us and we text each other a lot and sometimes it can get awkward but it's never too bad. Well I'm not fully over him yet but I think I'm close and this has really helped and I'll probably look back on it and just think how dumb I was probably. If anything else happens between me and him I shall tell away, but bye for now.
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